
Browse our collection of articles on a variety of industry topics.

Is 3D Printing the Future of Manufacturing?

Towards the end of October, David and I were having lunch together. He casually mentioned that it might be cheaper to buy a 3D printer to create some connectors he needed for the ATCO Christmas Light activation than purchasing and shipping them in. As I begin running the costs through…

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Is Face to Face Communication a Dying Art? I hope not!

There is the old saying that people do business with people they know, like, and trust. I continue to believe this to be true. When I reflect on my own business and personal life, I always feel a deeper connection and comfort level with someone I have met in person…

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What is a Shipping Container Activation?

Shipping containers are traditionally known as a transport unit for moving products and materials from A to B. You will see them shipped by truck, rail, and sea. There are over seventeen million containers globally, and most of the world’s international trade is transported in shipping containers. Here is where things get interesting;…

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The Evolution of Hybrid Events And How to Make Yours a Success

Early 2020 was shaping up to be a busy year in the trade show industry. Convention Centre expansions and new facilities, like the BMO Convention Centre Expansion, were being approved or construction continued, and business airline travel was climbing. Abruptly in the last few months, corporations, facilities, and trade show providers,…

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Experiential Marketing Activations: How to ensure your success.

Imagine lifting a 2,000 kg truck in the air using a high-pressure water hose and a moving target.   Trucks aren’t your thing? You’re inquisitive and notice an authentic London Phone booth in downtown Calgary; you can’t contain your curiosity and choose to step in and answer the phone. It’s mid-COVID,…

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How to safely return to trade shows: What to expect post-COVID.

Governments are currently trying to balance two priorities, getting economies running again, and managing the health crisis. The latter objective has placed trade shows in a problematic position. In Canada, as of June 2020, large gatherings remain prohibited. Over the years, we’ve spoken to countless people who will agree that…

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