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Different Programs for Different Types of Design
Do you have a favourite creative program? Almost everyone that uses creative software on the daily gravitates toward one more than others. You could be more proficient in it, or maybe it’s just simply a force of habit. And my god, there are so many to choose from. Adobe CC programs are…
Removable Wall Decals: Not Your Grandma’s Wallpaper
Let’s talk wall finishings. Wallpaper dates back to the early 16th century and gained momentum throughout the victorian era in English churches and castles. I have vivid memories of wallpaper in the many old English Castles I visited as a child. There were ornate, vibrant colours that decorated every room,…
6 Important Things to Consider When Writing Your Trade Show RFP
We often receive complicated RFP’s from large companies for new exhibits. It takes some time to carve through and find what they want as they are often not written with the trade show display in mind and start as a corporate template for all large purchases. While the need to…
How to Navigate Survival Through COVID as a Small Business
At the risk of pointing out the obvious, for some, the last ten months have been soul-crushing. Fortunately, with the release of vaccines, we feel like we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. There are some shows scheduled this year, and in speaking with clients,…
Is 3D Printing the Future of Manufacturing?
Towards the end of October, David and I were having lunch together. He casually mentioned that it might be cheaper to buy a 3D printer to create some connectors he needed for the ATCO Christmas Light activation than purchasing and shipping them in. As I begin running the costs through…
Is Face to Face Communication a Dying Art? I hope not!
There is the old saying that people do business with people they know, like, and trust. I continue to believe this to be true. When I reflect on my own business and personal life, I always feel a deeper connection and comfort level with someone I have met in person…
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