Renting a trade show display isn’t for everyone, but there are actually many situations where renting your display may be a good choice for you and your company. In the following five examples, the problems these exhibitors face are best solved by renting a display instead of buying it.

Hi! My name is Sarah, and my company has never exhibited at a trade show. I’ve done a lot of research, but I’m still not sure about some really important details. Should we book a 10’ x 20’ space, or a 20’ x 20’ space? Should our graphic message focus on our products, or on our in-booth activity? We’d like to have a couple of meeting spaces, but will that make the space too busy?
10′ x 20′ Convertible Rental Display, which converts into a 10′ x 10′ rental, with or without header.
The best solution for Sarah is to rent her display, for her first few shows. She can try out both a smaller and larger space, and display configurations with or without meeting spaces. Plus, the money she saves on not purchasing hardware right away can be invested in her graphics: she can test out both her messages and see which one works best.
Sigmund here. My company’s head office, and our trade show display, is located in Houston. Our display packs into three large shipping crates, and needs to be shipped ground to our show in Calgary. The cost to ship is astronomical! We have a smaller display, but it’s not large enough for the space we have booked in Calgary.
10′ x 20′ Monitor Wall Rental, with graphics & 4×4 video wall configuration.
Rather than paying to ship their booth, Sigmund can rent a display from a Calgary-based company, like us. Even if he purchases a new set of graphics with the rental, he’s still paying only half the cost of shipping. Plus, if they plan on returning to Calgary for other trade shows, they can rent the same display again and their graphics will be here waiting for them. As a bonus, we offer a 25% discount the second time you rent a display from us, so Sigmund will save even more the next year!
Hi, I’m Samantha, marketing coordinator at my company. We exhibit at about a dozen trade shows every year, and we usually book a 10’ x 20’ space. We have a display we love that fits that booth space perfectly. But when I looked over our numbers from the past few years, I realized that two of our shows don’t generate many leads, but the show in Calgary in May generates almost four times as many leads as any of the others. We’ve decided to ditch those under-performing shows, and we’d like to try a 20’ x 20’ booth space at the show in May.
20′ x 20′ Tower Rental, in the frosted Plexiglas meeting room configuration.
By renting a 20’ x 20’ display for their show in May, Samantha’s company can try before they buy. They expect that a larger presence at that show will net even more leads. But what if it doesn’t work out? Rather than paying the full cost of a new 20’ x 20’ display, they can see if it’s successful before committing to a purchase. Plus, if they decide it was worthwhile to go bigger, they can take advantage of our 30-day rebate and we’ll put 75% of their rental cost towards the purchase.
Hi, my name is Sean. My company is, unfortunately, double-booked for trade shows in September. We have one show in Edmonton that wraps up on the 15th, and the next show opens in Calgary on the same day. We only own a single trade show display, and it can’t be in two places at once.
Rental Pop-Up Display, with three graphic panels and three Magnet-on graphics.
Sean’s problem is easily solved by renting a display for either the Edmonton or Calgary show—preferably the one that doesn’t need to ship as far. And if they need to rent again next year, they will qualify for 25% off the second booth rental!
Hey there, I’m Selina! My company doesn’t exhibit often. In fact, we only go to one specific show each year, and we don’t plan on changing that any time soon. We need a display that will fit a 10’ x 20’ booth space, and that really stands out from the crowd. Since we only do this one show, we want to do it well! But yikes… it’s hard to justify spending 15K on a great looking display that we’ll only use once a year.
10′ x 20′ Wing Display Rental, with 75″ monitor rental, counters, and stand-off graphics.
For Selina, renting is a great option. Even with all new graphics, a customized 10’ x 20’ rental display will come in at a third of her purchase cost. And because our rental display don’t have that “standard” look you see elsewhere, she’ll get that unique look she wants so they can stand out from the crowd. When she rents in future years (and doesn’t need to buy graphics) she’ll pay less for the display rental than she will for booking the booth space!