Design Technology

How Digital Technology is changing interactive Displays At Museums & Interpretive Centres

Museums are transforming static artifact displays into dynamic hubs of interactive learning experiences powered by technology. This not only enhances visitor engagement but also expands the possibilities for immersive storytelling and education. Learn about the digital technologies that are shifting interactive learning experiences.

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How We Use 3D Printing In The Trade Show Industry

3D printers are something that we’ve enjoyed using in the studio since 2020. With their rise in popularity for manufacturing, as well as in households for hobbyists, the materials and capabilities continue to evolve. Over the years we’ve had opportunities to experiment with this technology to build custom components for our displays. Okay, and for fun personal projects (ask Dave about the Mandalorian helmet he is making for his kids…)

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Different Programs for Different Types of Design

Do you have a favourite creative program? Almost everyone that uses creative software on the daily gravitates toward one more than others. You could be more proficient in it, or maybe it’s just simply a force of habit. And my god, there are so many to choose from. Adobe CC programs are the go-to in my experience

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colour matching test prints with pantone swatches in Calgary, Alberta

RGB vs CMYK vs Pantone Colours – Are you confused yet?

CMYK vs RGB colour models: what’s the difference? We explain how each colour model works, along with Patones. Our print production team ensures that your brand colours are set up properly so that they look exactly the way you imagined.

RGB vs CMYK vs Pantone Colours – Are you confused yet? Read More »

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