
How Digital Technology is changing interactive Displays At Museums & Interpretive Centres

Museums are transforming static artifact displays into dynamic hubs of interactive learning experiences powered by technology. This not only enhances visitor engagement but also expands the possibilities for immersive storytelling and education. Learn about the digital technologies that are shifting interactive learning experiences.

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Everything you need to know about Branded Donor Recognition Displays

Donor recognition displays are a sincere way to thank those who elevate your organization. At the same time, they inspire future donors to get involved with your mission. A thoughtful, prominent donor wall or display lets supporters feel deeply connected to your organization. We dive into design considerations, costs and budgeting, and how to establish your donor display goals.

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Crates: An Essential Part Of Your Trade Show Display

Crates are often an overlooked component for clients when it comes to trade show display considerations. If only we could shove everything in a box, nail it shut and wave “See ya!”. However, crates for modular and custom trade show displays require custom fabrication to effectively use the space and minimize shipping costs, while keeping everything organized and protected.

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How We Use 3D Printing In The Trade Show Industry

3D printers are something that we’ve enjoyed using in the studio since 2020. With their rise in popularity for manufacturing, as well as in households for hobbyists, the materials and capabilities continue to evolve. Over the years we’ve had opportunities to experiment with this technology to build custom components for our displays. Okay, and for fun personal projects (ask Dave about the Mandalorian helmet he is making for his kids…)

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What Are Experiential Activations?

If you’ve been following Exhibit Studio’s work or social media, chances are you’ve heard us throw around the word ✨experiential activations ✨. There are a few other synonymous terms that you also may have heard of: event marketing, brand activation, participation marketing, etc. Well — what exactly is it?

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Portable Outdoor Displays and Signage

While we’re loving the warm, sunny days of summer, we all know that the season never seems to last long in Canada *cue sad violin music*. That’s why it’s even more important to choose the right outdoor displays to make your brand stand out during the short summer season.

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Understanding Trade Show Booth Rental Spaces

Linear? Peninsula? Split Island? If you’re looking to exhibit at a trade show and have yet to learn what those terms mean, no sweat! We’re here to explain the most common types of exhibit rental spaces so that you can make sure your display design will have the most impact.

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Laser Machine Design Capabilities

Ever wonder how the stainless steel engravings on your coffee tumbler are made? Or how perfectly shaped 3D lettering appears on your vehicle? Chances are it was made using a laser! In December we acquired a new flatbed laser and have been having fun exploring new projects with its versatile capabilities. If you’ve ever been

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The Importance of Display Design Timelines

While we know it is possible to produce a fantastic show-stopping trade show display under tight timelines, we want to ensure that your project receives ample time and attention. Otherwise, it leaves little room for changes, costs more, creates a risk of errors or missed deadlines, and can create scheduling issues. Here are a few

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