2019 IIHF World Junior Championship-Vancouver

We built this structure for Momentum Worldwide on behalf of their client to promote the Chevy Silverado at the World Junior’s Hockey Championship tournament.

We arranged to have it shipped and have our partner installers set the display up outside Roger’s Arena in busy downtown Vancouver, British Colombia. The structure was built strong enough to support a full-sized truck.

 That’s over 5000 pounds. If you can imagine two or three buffalo hanging out on top of this thing, then you get the idea of how strong it needed to be. It was also made modular for economical shipping and easy installation. After we fabricated the structure, we carefully covered the platform’s top in a shiny decal printed to look like an ice rink. Then we designed, printed, and covered the structure’s sides in decals that looked like scuffed-up rink boards.

Because the display was on its own, free-standing outside the arena, there was no place for it to access power. Nightfall comes early during Vancouver winters, and because the athletes played many games in the evenings, we were required to provide some lighting for the display. To achieve this, we concealed an ultra-quiet generator inside the base that provided power to the lighting system that illuminates the truck at night. A small door was cut into the display’s side so that people could access the generator to turn it off and on each day. When this little door was closed, you could barely tell it was there. It was like magic!

This outdoor display was an impressive focal point both day and night and an impactful piece that reached a large international audience attending the tournament. The exhibit stood outside for the tournament’s duration and was built with materials that would withstand the weather. Exhibit Studio used creativity and problem-solving to get this project done, and the results were spectacular.

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