Author name: Exhibit Studio Staff

Giving Gifts at Trade Shows

How is a trade show exhibit like Christmas? Well, the same time and effort you put into your holiday shopping should also be put into the promotional giveaways you plan for your trade show exhibit. The best gifts under the tree are often the ones you least expect and are the most thoughtful. The same […]

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Blog, Exhibitor Knowledge,

3 Second Rule of Designing a Trade Show Display

No, this blog isn’t referring to your toddler dropping their food onto the ground and proceeding to eat it (although we’ve all done that), it relates to your trade show graphics and the audience. Your trade show booth space and more importantly, your trade show booth design, must attract the audience in 3 seconds – or you could

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Blog, Graphic Design, ,

RGB vs CMYK vs Pantone – Are you confused yet?

CMYK vs RGB colour models: what’s the difference? We explain how each colour model works, along with Patones. Our print production team ensures that your brand colours are set up properly so that they look exactly the way you imagined.

RGB vs CMYK vs Pantone – Are you confused yet? Read More »

Blog, Graphic Design, Print Production, ,

10 Big & Bold Custom Displays

We’ve helped create all types of custom trade show displays over the years, but some of our favourites have been the custom projects that push the boundaries of what you’d expect from a display. These always seem to challenge our team both creatively and technically. They are also usually the displays that draw the most attention and

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WHY EXHIBIT? Part 6: Business Rapport

Part six of our Why Exhibit? blog series looks at trade show planning when one of your goals is developing or maintaining business rapport. Although not usually considered a key goal when exhibiting, creating and maintaining business rapport, as well as developing your company’s profitability, can be a strong secondary goal. Business rapport is not something you can

WHY EXHIBIT? Part 6: Business Rapport Read More »

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WHY EXHIBIT? Part 4: Marketing & Branding

Part 4 of our Why Exhibit? blog series covers the why & how of exhibiting when generating brand awareness and running a marketing campaign are your top goals. Generating market and brand awareness is always a beneficial by-product of attending a show, but it’s not always considered a top reason for exhibiting—and sometimes it should be. Depending

WHY EXHIBIT? Part 4: Marketing & Branding Read More »

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9 things to consider Before you buy A Trade Show DISPLAY

Worried that you’ll end up with a display that just doesn’t work for you? Take into consideration these 9 essential elements when deciding on what to get for your next trade show display.

9 things to consider Before you buy A Trade Show DISPLAY Read More »

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WHY EXHIBIT? Part 3: Making trade show Sales & Signing Contracts

Part III of our Why Exhibit? blog series is how to incorporate “Nurturing Leads & Sales” into your Trade Show Strategy. Read on for ideas on how to set your goals, meet them, and measure success when you want to develop leads and sales as part of your exhibit marketing plan. Unless you’re at a buying show,

WHY EXHIBIT? Part 3: Making trade show Sales & Signing Contracts Read More »

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5 Ways Renting a Display Will Save You Money

Renting a trade show display isn’t for everyone, but there are actually many situations where renting your display may be a good choice for you and your company. In the following five examples, the problems these exhibitors face are best solved by renting a display instead of buying it.

5 Ways Renting a Display Will Save You Money Read More »

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