Refurbish Your Display: 5 Ways to Save Money

Is your display a few years old and needs to be refreshed? If you find yourself wanting to update your trade show booth or exhibit, whether it’s the design or the hardware, there are simple, cost-effective ways to do so before considering a brand new display. 

1. New Graphics

Are you promoting the same message that prospects may have seen for the last few years? If so, it may be time to update. Having the same message or content can look outdated if prospects have seen your display in year’s past.

If you are still happy with the hardware component of your display, at least consider updating the graphics. This is an opportunity to promote new products & services and gives the booth a refresh.

Tip: Branding usually updates as a company expands. Why not update old logos or content by using a semi-permanent decal instead of fully reprinting? Using decals on existing graphics is hardly noticeable and an easy way to save up for a full printed graphics. 

2. Magnets

Take advantage of printable magnetic panels that allow you to make quick message changes. Adding magnetic graphics to your display is an excellent way for graphics or material to be changed depending on the show and it’s audience. Sometimes companies need specific information for only one show and different information for others.

Magnetic material works on all types of displays such as pop-up panels, banner stands, vinyl graphics and even fabric! 

3. Add 3D Lettering

Make your logo stand out with 3D lettering! 3D components can capture an audience as the texture and depth adds interest to standard graphics. 

A creative 3D header that’s removable allows you to take off, put on, and move to either end of a small display depending on where you’re located on the show floor. 

4. Life-like Greenery

Companies are opting in for a more environmentally friendly look to their booth space. A current trend in the trade show world is to add real or fake greenery to a booth space, which creates a more inviting space for prospects.

Plants or flowers on meeting tables and podiums, or larger plants on either side of the display creates a warmer look to sometimes cold looking trade show floors. Go further by creating a full plant wall for more texture and definitely a conversation piece.

5. Full or Partial backlit Graphics

Backlighting has changed the graphic game since LED lighting hit the display scene. Previously, fluorescent tubes where used to backlight graphics but were hard to ship and often caused hot spotting on the graphic panels. With LED lighting, suddenly anything is possible to backlight – fabric, panels, and even exhibits with existing hardware. 

Tip: If you want to attract prospects, partially backlight a logo or url on only one panel. This will bring attention to your display without going over budget. 

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